The skiing on the steep slope was was quite good, with forgiving corn snow which inspired confidence. As I neared the bergschrund, however, I discovered to my dismay that the narrow spot where I needed to cross was invisible from above. I hesitated, trying to guess correctly, but luckily a lady in the other group had traversed around the end of the crevasse and was pointing me towards the correct spot. I aimed for it and was relieved to cross the foot-wide gap to the safer terrain below. Although the other three in our group had opted for the safer traverse descent route, Craig and Glen were following me down the steep pitch, so I stationed myself below the bergschrund to point them to the correct crossing. Looking up towards the summit, we see here the upper lip of the bergschrund overhanging nearly 20 feet (6 m) above the lower lip.Trip Introduction | Previous Page | Next Page