This script prints data from a single NWAC telemetry site, or shows up to 5 sites in adjacent columns, or concatenates data from all 31 current sites (1 of which is not yet linked from the NWAC website) in either 1-2 columns or a single row with 31 columns.
Data provided by Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center
PHP script by Amar Andalkar, October 2009   (current version 4.0.1 of 05 Mar 2021)

NWAC Sites:     Optional 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sites:  
    Warning: Concatenating all sites for 10 days generates a HUGE page, over 7000 lines and 500,000 characters!!
     (display 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th sites in adjacent columns, but only if not concatenating all sites)
Number of Days:   Now (last 24 hours)   10 Days     Plain Version (show just the data table if single site, plus this page header and menu if 2 sites or all sites)     Narrower Version (removes extra spaces in plain text format, so data tables are 5/6 as wide as original)
Display Format:   HTML Table (new!)   Classic Table (plain text) Show Latitude/Longitude     Smaller Font     HTML Options: Table Border     Cell Padding: (if blank, then 0 if plain, 1 otherwise)     Compact Header    
NWAC data files last updated at 
This page loaded at 
4:00 PM PDT on Wednesday, December 31, 1969     (NOTE: All times in NWAC data are PST year-round!)
9:23 PM PDT on Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Quick links to 2-column, 10-day data for various pairs of nearby NWAC sites:   Hurricane + Baker  |  WA Pass + Mazama  |  Stevens Pass + Ski Area  |  Stevens Brooks + Grace Lakes  |  Berne + Tumwater / Leavenworth  |  Lake Wenatchee + Dirty Face
Blewett + Mission  |  Alpental + Snoqualmie  |  Crystal + Green Valley  |  Chinook + Sunrise  |  Paradise + Camp Muir  |  White Pass + Station  |  St Helens + Ski Bowl  |  Timberline + Magic Mile  |  Meadows + Cascade Express
Quick links to multi-column, 10-day data for various sets of nearby NWAC sites:   Hurricane + Baker + WA Pass + Mazama  |  Stevens Pass + Ski Area + Brooks + Grace Lakes + Berne  |  Lake Wenatchee + Dirty Face + Tumwater / Leavenworth + Blewett + Mission
Alpental + Snoqualmie + Mt Washington  |  Crystal + Green Valley + Chinook  |  Paradise + Camp Muir + Chinook + Sunrise  |  White Pass + Station + St Helens  |  Ski Bowl + Timberline + Magic Mile + Meadows + Cascade Express  |  4 Highest Average Snowdepth

404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Total telemetry sites:   1
Total size of data files:   196 characters
Run time:   0.088 seconds