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   California Department of Water Resources

Active Snow Sensors in California

Sorted North to South by River Basin

MODIFIED:12/04/2004 (include snowdepth info & add Lower Lassen Peak site)
12/01/2005 (update 8 more sites with snowdepth)
11/08/2006 (update 7 more sites with snowdepth)

ID Name Elev
Latitude Longitude April 1 Avg
Operator Agency Snowdepth Sensor
(date added)
MB3 MIDDLE BOULDER 3 6200 41.225 122.811 28.3 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/11/2006
SCT SCOTT MOUNTAIN 5900 41.272 122.718 16.0 CA Dept of Water Resources
PET PETERSON FLAT 7150 41.297 122.522 29.2 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/31/2003
RRM RED ROCK MOUNTAIN 6700 41.023 122.885 39.6 CA Dept of Water Resources
BNK BONANZA KING 6450 41.083 122.628 40.5 US Bureau of Reclamation
SHM SHIMMY LAKE 6400 41.008 122.800 40.3 CA Dept of Water Resources 08/05/2005
HIG HIGHLAND LAKES 6030 41.093 122.483 29.9 CA Dept of Water Resources
MUM MUMBO BASIN 5650 41.197 122.523 22.4 CA Dept of Water Resources
BFL BIG FLAT 5100 41.080 122.942 15.8 CA Dept of Water Resources
SDF SAND FLAT 6750 41.350 122.245 42.4 US Bureau of Reclamation 12/03/1998
SLT SLATE CREEK 5700 41.045 122.478 29.0 US Bureau of Reclamation 08/19/2004
STM STOUTS MEADOW 5400 41.170 121.938 36.0 CA Dept of Water Resources
CDP CEDAR PASS 7100 41.583 120.303 18.1 Natural Resources Conservation Service
BLA BLACKS MOUNTAIN 7050 40.770 121.198 12.7 CA Dept of Water Resources 07/14/2004
MED MEDICINE LAKE 6700 41.592 121.610 32.6 CA Dept of Water Resources
ADM ADIN MOUNTAIN 6200 41.237 120.792 13.6 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/26/2001
SNM SNOW MOUNTAIN 5950 40.778 121.782 27.0 US Bureau of Reclamation 08/19/2004
NLS NOEL SPRING 5100 39.538 122.667 -9999.0 US Army Corps of Engineers
LLP LOWER LASSEN PEAK 8250 40.468 121.507 80.2 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Rogers Flat 11/04/2003
KTL KETTLE ROCK 7300 40.140 120.715 25.5 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
GRZ GRIZZLY RIDGE 6900 39.917 120.645 29.7 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
PLP PILOT PEAK (DWR) 6800 39.786 120.875 52.6 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
GOL GOLD LAKE 6750 39.675 120.615 36.5 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
HMB HUMBUG 6500 40.115 121.368 28.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys
RTL RATTLESNAKE 6100 40.125 121.043 14.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
BKL BUCKS LAKE 5750 39.850 121.242 44.7 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
FOR FOUR TREES 5150 39.813 121.321 20.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/State Water Project
MDW MEADOW LAKE 7200 39.417 120.508 55.5 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/05/2000
CSL CENT SIERRA SNOW LAB 6900 39.325 120.367 33.6 Natural Resources Conservation Service
SCN SCHNEIDERS 8750 38.747 120.068 34.5 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
LOS LAKE LOIS 8600 38.925 120.197 39.5 CA Dept of Water Resources
CAP CAPLES LAKE (DWR) 8000 38.710 120.042 30.9 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/23/1998
ALP ALPHA (SMUD) 7600 38.805 120.215 35.9 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
FRN FORNI RIDGE 7600 38.805 120.213 37.0 US Bureau of Reclamation 10/06/2004
SIL SILVER LAKE 7100 38.678 120.118 22.7 CA Dept of Water Resources
VVL VAN VLECK 6700 38.945 120.305 35.9 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
HYS HUYSINK 6600 39.282 120.527 42.6 US Bureau of Reclamation 09/27/2006
RBB ROBBS SADDLE 5900 38.912 120.378 21.4 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
GKS GREEK STORE 5600 39.075 120.558 21.0 US Bureau of Reclamation
BLC BLUE CANYON 5280 39.276 120.708 9.0 US Bureau of Reclamation 01/01/2004
RBP ROBBS POWERHOUSE 5150 38.903 120.375 5.2 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
HHM HIGHLAND MEADOW 8700 38.490 119.805 47.9 CA Dept of Water Resources
BLK BLUE LAKES 8000 38.613 119.931 33.1 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/26/2001
MDL MUD LAKE 7900 38.615 120.140 44.9 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
DDM DEADMAN CREEK 9250 38.332 119.653 37.2 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/03/2005
GNL GIANELLI MEADOW 8400 38.205 119.892 55.5 US Bureau of Reclamation
REL LOWER RELIEF VALLEY 8100 38.243 119.758 41.2 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/14/2003
SLM STANISLAUS MEADOW 7750 38.500 119.937 47.5 CA Dept of Water Resources
BLD BLOODS CREEK 7200 38.450 120.033 35.5 US Bureau of Reclamation 09/24/2004
BLS BLACK SPRINGS 6500 38.375 120.192 32.0 US Bureau of Reclamation
TES TIOGA PASS ENTRY STATION 9945 37.911 119.257 ~ 26.8 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 12/10/2001
DAN DANA MEADOWS 9800 37.897 119.257 27.7 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/11/2002
SLI SLIDE CANYON 9200 38.092 119.430 41.1 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/20/2005
TUM TUOLUMNE MEADOWS 8600 37.873 119.350 22.6 CA Dept of Water Resources 08/21/2000
HRS HORSE MEADOW 8400 38.158 119.662 48.6 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/03/2004
PDS PARADISE MEADOW 7650 38.047 119.670 41.3 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/21/2005
KIB LOWER KIBBIE RIDGE 6700 38.032 119.877 27.4 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/23/2005
STR OSTRANDER LAKE 8200 37.637 119.550 34.8 CA Dept of Water Resources 08/27/2004
TNY TENAYA LAKE 8150 37.838 119.448 33.1 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/11/2002
GIN GIN FLAT 7050 37.767 119.773 34.2 CA Dept of Water Resources 08/21/2000
VLC VOLCANIC KNOB 10050 37.388 118.903 30.1 CA Dept of Water Resources
AGP AGNEW PASS 9450 37.728 119.143 32.3 CA Dept of Water Resources 08/02/2006
KSP KAISER POINT 9200 37.300 119.100 37.8 US Bureau of Reclamation
GRM GREEN MOUNTAIN 7900 37.555 119.238 30.8 US Bureau of Reclamation 08/11/2006
TMR TAMARACK SUMMIT 7550 37.165 119.200 30.5 US Bureau of Reclamation
CHM CHILKOOT MEADOW 7150 37.410 119.490 38.0 US Bureau of Reclamation 08/11/2006
HNT HUNTINGTON LAKE (USBR) 7000 37.228 119.221 20.1 US Bureau of Reclamation
GRV GRAVEYARD MEADOW 6900 37.465 119.290 18.8 US Bureau of Reclamation 08/11/2006
PSR POISON RIDGE 6900 37.403 119.520 28.9 US Bureau of Reclamation
BSH BISHOP PASS 11200 37.100 118.557 34.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/03/2005
CRL CHARLOTTE LAKE 10400 36.797 118.422 27.5 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/15/2004
BCB BLACKCAP BASIN 10300 37.067 118.770 34.3 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/14/2003
STL STATE LAKES 10300 36.927 118.574 29.0 US Army Corps of Engineers
MTM MITCHELL MEADOW 9900 36.737 118.712 32.9 US Army Corps of Engineers
UBC UPPER BURNT CORRAL 9700 37.183 118.937 34.6 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 09/16/2004
WWC WEST WOODCHUCK MEADOW 9100 37.030 118.918 32.8 US Army Corps of Engineers
BIM BIG MEADOWS (DWR) 7600 36.717 118.842 25.9 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 11/04/2005
FRW FAREWELL GAP 9500 36.412 118.583 34.5 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/03/2000
GNF GIANT FOREST (USACE) 6650 36.562 118.765 10.0 US Army Corps of Engineers
QUA QUAKING ASPEN 7200 36.117 118.540 21.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 09/12/2006
UTY UPPER TYNDALL CREEK 11400 36.650 118.397 27.7 US Army Corps of Engineers
CBT CRABTREE MEADOW 10700 36.563 118.345 19.8 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/18/2004
CHP CHAGOOPA PLATEAU 10300 36.497 118.442 21.8 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/07/2005
PSC PASCOES 9150 35.967 118.350 24.9 US Army Corps of Engineers 10/04/2000
WTM WET MEADOWS 8950 36.348 118.572 30.3 US Army Corps of Engineers
TUN TUNNEL GUARD STATION 8900 36.367 118.288 15.6 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys
CSV CASA VIEJA MEADOWS 8300 36.200 118.268 20.9 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 08/20/2004
BCH BEACH MEADOWS 7650 36.127 118.293 11.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/14/2003
DSS DISMAL SWAMP 7050 41.993 120.165 29.2 Natural Resources Conservation Service
MSK MOUNT ROSE SKI AREA 8900 39.326 119.902 38.5 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
BMW BIG MEADOWS (SCS) 8700 39.458 119.946 25.7 Natural Resources Conservation Service
IDP INDEPENDENCE LAKE (SCS) 8450 39.435 120.322 41.4 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
SQV SQUAW VALLEY GOLD COAST 8200 39.194 120.276 46.5 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
IDC INDEPENDENCE CAMP 7000 39.454 120.299 21.8 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
INN INDEPENDENCE CREEK 6500 39.494 120.293 12.7 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
TK2 TRUCKEE 2 6400 39.300 120.194 14.3 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
HVN HEAVENLY VALLEY 8800 38.929 119.917 28.1 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
HGM HAGANS MEADOW 8000 38.853 119.940 16.5 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
MRL MARLETTE LAKE 8000 39.173 119.905 21.1 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
EP5 ECHO PEAK 5 7800 38.849 120.079 39.5 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
RP2 RUBICON PEAK 2 7500 39.001 120.140 29.1 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
TCC TAHOE CITY CROSS 6750 39.172 120.154 16.0 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
WC3 WARD CREEK 3 6750 39.137 120.220 39.4 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12/10/2003
FLL FALLEN LEAF LAKE 6250 38.932 120.056 7.0 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
EBB EBBETTS PASS 8700 38.561 119.808 38.8 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/26/2001
MNT MONITOR PASS 8350 38.670 119.615 -9999.0 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
PSN POISON FLAT 7900 38.501 119.631 16.2 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
SPT SPRATT CREEK 6150 38.667 119.818 4.5 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
LVT LEAVITT LAKE 9600 38.282 119.621 ~ 50.8 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
VRG VIRGINIA LAKES RIDGE 9300 38.077 119.234 20.3 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
LBD LOBDELL LAKE 9200 38.440 119.377 17.3 Natural Resources Conservation Service
SPS SONORA PASS BRIDGE 8750 38.318 119.601 26.0 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
LVM LEAVITT MEADOWS 7200 38.305 119.552 8.0 Natural Resources Conservation Service 11/27/2001
GEM GEM PASS 10750 37.780 119.170 31.7 CA Dept of Water Resources
SWM SAWMILL 10200 37.162 118.562 19.4 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 09/30/2003
CWD COTTONWOOD LAKES 10150 36.483 118.177 11.6 CA Dept of Water Resources 09/30/2003
RCK ROCK CREEK LAKES 10000 37.455 118.743 14.0 CA Dept of Water Resources 07/28/2004
BGP BIG PINE CREEK 9800 37.128 118.475 17.9 CA Dept of Water Resources 10/04/2004
SLK SOUTH LAKE 9600 37.176 118.562 16.0 CA Dept of Water Resources/Snow Surveys 10/15/2003
MHP MAMMOTH PASS (USBR) 9300 37.610 119.033 42.4 US Bureau of Reclamation