Dedicated to Ski Mountaineering, Backcountry Skiing, Alpine Touring, Randonnee, Telemark, and Snowboarding since 1997
"The combination of skiing and mountaineering is the finest of all sports."
- Sir Arnold Lunn (1888-1974)
Website News:
Occasional updates to this website continue to be made as of 2020, although not nearly as often as I would like to do. Work continues
on the full (non-website) version of my Skiing the Cascade Volcanoes guidebook, which has now been expanded slightly to include
a total of 32 Cascade volcanoes, adding several which were on the borderline for inclusion previously. I have skied or climbed over
200 routes on all 32 of these volcanoes, and have a total of over 350 summit ski descents on the Cascade volcanoes as of 2020.
I would like to ski more routes on several of these volcanoes, but otherwise the research for the book is largely completed. Finishing
the 360+ page, full-color, fully-typeset book is the major remaining task, followed by getting it printed and sending it out the door.