Mammoth Mountain WebCams
        Amar Andalkar's Ski Mountaineering and Climbing Site
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SR 158 Corridor, June Lake Loop and June Mountain
Silver Lake Resort on SR 158,
12 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7250 ft
Silver Lake Resort on SR 158,
12 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7250 ft
June Lake Webcam on SR 158,
10 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7700 ft
June Mountain, June Meadows Chalet Cam,
10 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 8700 ft
June Mountain, June Meadows Chalet Cam,
10 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 8700 ft
June Mountain, June Meadows Chalet Cam,
10 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 8700 ft
June Mountain, June Meadows Chalet Cam,
10 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 8700 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking north towards Mono Lake

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking SE at Gunsmok run

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking SE at Rainbow summit

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking SSE at the summit

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking SSE at the summit and Schatzi run

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking south at Sunset run

Elevation: 9200 ft
June Mountain, J3 Lift Cam, 9 miles NNW of Mammoth Mountain,
looking SW at top of J2 Lift

Elevation: 9200 ft
Mammoth Mountain
Mammoth Mountain, Summit Cam, looking west

Elevation: 11000 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at Lincoln Mountain and Upper Panorama Gondola

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at Chair 3 (Face Lift Express)

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at bottom of Chair 3 (Face Lift Express)

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at top of Chair 23

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at top of Chair 2 (Stump Alley Express)

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at top of Chair 1 (Broadway Express)

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, McCoy Station Cam,
looking at top of Chair 6 (Unbound Express)

Elevation: 9600 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Unbound Main Cam, top of Unbound Express,
looking at Mammoth Mountain Inn, Discovery Chair and Broadway Express

Elevation: 9500 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Unbound Main Cam, top of Unbound Express,
looking at Main Lodge and base area

Elevation: 9500 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Unbound Main Cam,
looking at terrain park and Unbound Express

Elevation: 9500 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Main Lodge Cam,
looking at bottom of Chair 6 (Unbound Express)

Elevation: 8900 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Main Lodge Cam,
looking at the Super Pipe

Elevation: 8900 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Main Lodge Cam,
looking at Broadway

Elevation: 8900 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Main Lodge Cam,
looking at the sun deck and Broadway Express

Elevation: 8900 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Canyon Lodge Cam,
looking at the sun deck

Elevation: 8300 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Canyon Lodge Cam,
looking at the Village Gondola upper terminal

Elevation: 8300 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Canyon Lodge Cam,
looking at bottom of Chair 8

Elevation: 8300 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Canyon Lodge Cam,
looking at Lincoln Mountain

Elevation: 8300 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Canyon Lodge Cam,
looking at bottom of Chair 16 (Canyon Express)

Elevation: 8300 ft
Austria Hof Lodge Webcam,
looking SW at Canyon Lodge and Lincoln Mountain

Elevation: 8300 ft
Eagle Lodge Webcam,
looking west towards Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 8100 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Village Cam,
looking at the Village Gondola lower terminal

Elevation: 8100 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Village Cam

Elevation: 8100 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Village Cam

Elevation: 8100 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Village Cam

Elevation: 8100 ft
Mammoth Mountain, Village Cam,
looking down at the statue of founder Dave McCoy

Elevation: 8100 ft
SR 203 and US 395 Corridors, Mammoth Lakes and Vicinity
Devils Postpile National Monument,
Soda Springs Webcam, 3 miles west of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7600 ft
Footloose Sports Webcam in Mammoth Lakes,
4 miles east of Mammoth Mountain, looking west

Elevation: 7900 ft
Mammoth Lakes Library in Mammoth Lakes,
4 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7900 ft
Mono County Office of Education in Mammoth Lakes,
4 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7900 ft
Mammoth Yosemite Airport, just north of US 395,
10 miles east of Mammoth Mountain, looking ESE

Elevation: 7150 ft
Mammoth Yosemite Airport, just north of US 395,
looking SSW at Mt Morrison above the prominent Convict Lake moraines

Elevation: 7150 ft
Mammoth Yosemite Airport, just north of US 395,
looking west at Mammoth Mountain from 10 miles east

Elevation: 7150 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft
Caltrans cam at junction of SR 203 & US 395 @ MP 263,
6 miles east of Mammoth Mountain

Elevation: 7400 ft

Show telemetry | Hide telemetry

Page History:
November 2012Original version with 29 camera views, designed based on the Lassen Peak WebCams webpage, with cameras from the Sierra Nevada Mountain WebCams webpage
Includes the option to show the last 24 hours of data from the 4 nearest California Cooperative Snow Surveys hourly telemetry sites below the webcams (the 2 sites on June Mountain were newly installed in October 2012)
Revised the page layout to use separate tables for each row, to better accommodate the different widths of images
Added display of data from 4 telemetry sites on Mammoth Mountain below the California Cooperative Snow Surveys telemetry, plus minor improvements to formatting of the CCSS telemetry data
December 2012Changed the order of some Caltrans and Mammoth Ski Resort webcam images, to better match the visible features in adjacent images
January 2013Fixed one camera link which had changed
March 2013Added the nearby Agnew Pass and Green Mountain telemetry sites, and added the ability to remove unwanted columns from any of the California Cooperative Snow Surveys telemetry data
November 2013 Expanded to 32 camera views, adding 7 new HD views from the upgraded McCoy Station Cam, replacing the 4 views from the old camera
Revised display of data from 3 of 4 telemetry sites on Mammoth Mountain, due to changes in their data format
Improved error checking for missing California Cooperative Snow Surveys telemetry data files
December 2013 Expanded to 33 camera views, adding the Crowley Lake Marina cam
Improved error checking for missing or invalid Mammoth Mountain telemetry data files, and fixed over-precise values which have 2 decimal places
April 2014Fixed 12 Mammoth Mountain camera URLs which had changed capitalization (really!?!?)
June 2014Fixed all Mammoth Mountain camera URLs which had moved to a different server
October 2014 Expanded to 35 camera views and rearranged images into 6 rows, adding 14 new HD views from the upgraded Main Lodge, Canyon Lodge, and Village Cams, replacing the 12 views from the old cameras
Also reinstated 2 cams from Mammoth Lakes Library and Office of Education which had been offline since 2012, removed 2 Mono Lake cams which are also shown on the Yosemite WebCams webpage, and fixed 4 other camera links which had changed
November 2014 Expanded to 46 camera views in 8 rows, adding 11 new HD views from June Mountain
Fixed telemetry data from June Mountain Weather Plot, for which the data columns had recently changed
December 2014Added image modification times for 5 webcams
February 2015 Fixed URL for Mammoth Mountain telemetry which had changed slightly
Improved display when California Cooperative Snow Surveys telemetry data is offline
December 2015 Remained at 46 camera views, adding the new Mammoth Mountain Summit Cam (!!) and removing the long-defunct Crowley Lake cam
January 2016 Expanded to 48 camera views, adding 2 cams at Silver Lake, and rearranged several images at Canyon Lodge
Added the nearby Doe Ridge SCAN site, along with the capability to use a mix of CCSS and SNOTEL/SCAN sites within the telemetry section, and also added the nearby Gem Pass, Graveyeard Meadow, Volcanic Knob, and Rock Creek Lakes CCSS sites
Added a script from the Donner Summit WebCams page to convert the Mammoth Pass and Green Mountain sites' quarter-hourly precip "event" data into an hourly data column (it's unclear why the CDEC website can't simply copy the "event" data into the hourly data, it does so for some sites already but not others)
Later wrote a new external script to grab data from CDEC (such as the California Cooperative Snow Surveys telemetry sites), which downloads the data and formats it to match the style of the SNOTEL data, the script makes maintenance of these pages much easier by moving all CDEC telemetry code into a single location instead of separate code on each individual California Mountain WebCams page
February 2016 Expanded to 51 camera views, adding 3 new HD cams at Mammoth Yosemite Airport, and rearranged all 8 rows into more logical geographic order
Major internal PHP code cleanup, updating and/or deleting legacy code left over from very long ago, from the Mount Rainier Paradise WebCams webpage (March 2009) on which all of these "Webcams + Telemetry Pages" are based, and even from the original Washington Mountain WebCams webpage (December 2004) on which the Rainier page was based
Added descriptive dividers between major subregions of the webcam images, to clarify the layout of this fairly large and complex page
March 2016 Added 6 regional RAWS hourly telemetry sites which have precip, wind, solar, and other sensors (but not snowdepth), with data available from MesoWest
Fixed all Weather Underground camera URLs, which now apparently need "?time()" appended in order to update properly
November 2016Fixed one RAWS telemetry site whose ID had changed
December 2016 Expanded to 54 camera views, adding 3 new HD views from the Unbound Main cam, and rearranged several images from the McCoy Station and Main Lodge cams
Ski Mountaineering Photos & Trip Reports Equipment & Info Cascade Volcanoes Ring of Fire Site Map Links

Amar Andalkar   Seattle, WA, USA   <About the Author / Contact Me>
All material on this website is ©1997-2025 by Amar Andalkar unless otherwise noted.
Last modified Sunday, May 23, 2021