Mount Bachelor & Three Sisters WebCams
        Amar Andalkar's Ski Mountaineering and Climbing Site
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Mount Bachelor
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, West Village Cam,
looking SSW towards summit with Cinder Cone at right

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, West Village Cam,
looking south at Clearing Rock Bar patio

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, West Village Cam,
looking south at Snowsports Learning Zone

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, West Village Cam,
looking SSW up Pine Marten Express towards the summit

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, West Village Cam,
looking west at Cinder Cone

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, Snow Stake Cam

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, Nordic Center Cam

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area Base, Nordic Lodge Cam

Elevation: 6350 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking NW towards Sparks Lake and South Sister

Elevation: 7750 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking NW at Sparks Lake and South Sister

Elevation: 7750 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking NNW at Three Sisters

Elevation: 7750 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking north at Broken Top and Pine Marten Lodge

Elevation: 7750 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking north at Broken Top and Pine Marten Lodge

Elevation: 7750 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Outback Express,
looking NE at Tumalo Mountain and Bend

Elevation: 7750 ft
Located just east of
Mt Bachelor Sunrise entrance

Located just east of
Mt Bachelor Sunrise entrance

Mt Bachelor Ski Area, bottom of Sunrise Express,
looking SE

Elevation: 6450 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, bottom of Sunrise Express,
looking SW towards the summit

Elevation: 6450 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Sunrise Express,
looking SW towards top of Summit Express

Elevation: 7250 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Sunrise Express,
looking north with a zoomed view of Broken Top

Elevation: 7250 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Sunrise Express,
looking north towards bottom of Summit Express, Three Sisters, Broken Top

Elevation: 7250 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, bottom of Sunrise Express,
looking NW at Three Sisters and Broken Top

Elevation: 6450 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Sunrise Express,
looking WNW towards top of Skyliner Express

Elevation: 7250 ft
Mt Bachelor Ski Area, top of Sunrise Express,
looking south at snow stake

Elevation: 7250 ft
North of Bend and East of Sisters
Faith Hope Charity Webcam, view of Three Sisters
from 16 miles NE just east of the town of Sisters

Elevation: 3100 ft
View of Three Sisters from 15 miles NE near the town of Sisters
(during winter, looks NW at Mt Washington and Three Fingered Jack)

Elevation: 3200 ft
Cascade Flyers Webcam, view of Middle and North Sister
from 18 miles ENE between Bend and Sisters

Elevation: 3200 ft
Full HD view of Three Sisters and Broken Top from 24 miles ENE
along the Deschutes River near the town of Tumalo

Elevation: 3200 ft
View of Three Sisters
from 30 miles east between Bend and Alfalfa

Elevation: 3500 ft
HD view of Three Sisters, Broken Top, and Mt Bachelor from 28 miles NE
at Odin Falls Ranch along the Deschutes River NW of Redmond

Elevation: 2750 ft
HD view of Three Sisters, Broken Top, and Mt Bachelor
from 32 miles NE at Steel Sun Ranch north of Terrebonne

Elevation: 2800 ft
View of Three Sisters
from 30 miles ENE at Redmond Airport

Bend and Vicinity
HD view of Three Sisters from 22 miles east and Mt Jefferson from 47 miles SSE
on the NW side of Awbrey Butte in Bend

Elevation: 3800 ft
EyeOnBend, movable camera, views of Three Sisters, Broken Top,
and Mt Bachelor from 19-23 miles east in downtown Bend

Elevation: 3650 ft
EyeOnBend, movable camera, views of Three Sisters, Broken Top,
and Mt Bachelor from 19-23 miles east near downtown Bend

Elevation: 3660 ft
EyeOnBend, movable camera, view of Old Mill near downtown Bend,
20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor

Elevation: 3700 ft
EyeOnBend, movable camera, view of Whitewater Park near downtown Bend,
20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor

Elevation: 3620 ft
EyeOnBend, movable camera, view of Riverbend Park near downtown Bend,
20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor

Elevation: 3640 ft
Located 20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor in Bend

Located 20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor in Bend

Located 20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor in Bend

Located 20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor in Bend

OSU Cascades Campus, Bend Science Station cam,
at Century Dr and Chandler Ave in Bend

Elevation: 3700 ft
Located 20 miles ENE of Mt Bachelor in Bend

Located 18 miles east of Mt Bachelor,
6 miles south of downtown Bend

HD view of Deschutes River and broad shield of Newberry Volcano
from SE side of Awbrey Butte in Bend, 22 miles NNW of caldera rim

Elevation: 3700 ft
Bend Municipal Airport, east of Bend, looking SSE towards
flank of Newberry Volcano from 24 miles north of caldera rim

Elevation: 3450 ft
South of Bend
Sunriver snow stake cam, west of US 97,
14 miles SE of Mt Bachelor

Elevation: 4200 ft
KGW-TV Sunriver Webcam, west of US 97 at the airport,
usually loooking NW towards Mt Bachelor from 14 miles SE,
sometimes looking east at Newberry Volcano

Elevation: 4200 ft
Located 16 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor,
13 miles south of downtown Bend

Located 16 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor,
13 miles south of downtown Bend

Located 23 miles SSE of Mt Bachelor

Located 35 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor

Pine Mountain Observatory, south of US 20,
39 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor, looking SE

Elevation: 6300 ft
Pine Mountain Observatory, 39 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor,
looking south across the eastern flank of Newberry Volcano

Elevation: 6300 ft
Located 75 miles ESE of Mt Bachelor


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Page History:
November 2009Original version with 7 camera views, designed based on the Mount Rainier Paradise WebCams webpage, with cameras from the Oregon Mountain WebCams webpage
Includes the option to show the last 24 hours of SNOTEL and Mount Bachelor Ski Area telemetry data below the webcams
December 2009Expanded to 8 camera views, adding a view from Bend, plus a second SNOTEL site
Added code to error-check for missing SNOTEL data
January 2010Added a third SNOTEL site (see also map of SNOTEL sites in Deschutes River basin)
Added camera image modification time from webserver for the KBNZ Webcam
March 2010Fixed broken links to SNOTEL website
April 2010Updated the URLs for all Mount Bachelor Ski Resort images
May 2010Fixed unwanted line breaks in SNOTEL telemetry dates on narrow screens
November 2010 Updated the URLs and links for all Mount Bachelor Ski Resort images, and revised the script to grab the Mount Bachelor snow conditions data
Fixed a minor bug in the SNOTEL data display, which only occurred between 11pm and midnight and showed the previous day's date for the 0000 hour's data row
March 2011 Fixed a minor quirk in the SNOTEL data display, which only occurred when SNOTEL data is not available at a given site for the previous 24 hours
January 2012Replaced the long-defunct view from Bend with a view from Sunriver
February 2012Updated the URLs from which to download the SNOTEL data, which had recently been changed slightly
December 2012 Expanded to 12 camera views, adding the 4 closest ODOT road cams along US 97
Revised the page layout to use a separate table for the last row, to better accommodate the very different widths of images
Added more code to properly handle the new HTTP Status 404 errors from the SNOTEL server, and other unknown SNOTEL errors
March 2013 Forced to write a new external script to grab SNOTEL data, after the long-existing SNOTEL data programs on the NWCC website were suddenly redirected to a beta-version report generator
The new script is a major improvement, it displays wind and solar data for any SNOTEL sites which have those sensors, mostly installed within the last few years
Added the nearby Roaring River SNOTEL site, and revised the script to grab the Mount Bachelor snow conditions data since the webpage had changed
June 2013 Expanded to 15 camera views, adding 3 views of the Three Sisters from the east and northeast near Sisters, Bend and Redmond
Reduced image sizes slightly from 480-360-240 to 440-330-220 pixels high, and updated the page title to include "Three Sisters"
October 2013Expanded to 16 camera views, adding a view of Middle and North Sister from between Sisters and Bend
November 2013 Expanded to 22 camera views, adding 6 new cams from Mount Bachelor Ski Resort, and rearranged images by moving 5 probably-defunct Mount Bachelor cams to a single row (pending eventual removal)
Fixed the distorted aspect ratio for all new Mount Bachelor Ski Resort cams, which clearly should be 16:9 HD images and not 4:3 ratio as displayed on their website
December 2013Added the Mount Bachelor current weather conditions graphic
January 2014 Expanded to 24 camera views, adding the Eye on Bend and ODOT La Pine cams, and reduced image sizes slightly from 440-330-220 to 400-300-200 pixels high
February 2014 Expanded to 27 camera views, adding the ODOT Horse Ridge cam along US 20 to the east and 2 new Mount Bachelor Ski Resort cams, plus updated the URLs for 2 older Mount Bachelor cams which had changed
March 2014Updated the URLs for 2 older Mount Bachelor cams which had changed, but 2 other older Mount Bachelor cam images now appear to be gone
August 2014Fixed one camera link which had changed
November 2014 Expanded to 29 camera views, adding 4 new Mount Bachelor cam views from the top of Outback Express and removing 2 long-defunct Mount Bachelor cams (several other currently-offline cams still remain, in case they come back online in the future)
Reduced image sizes slightly from 400-300-200 to 360-270-180 pixels high
December 2014 Expanded to 33 camera views, adding the new Mount Bachelor snow stake cam, ODOT Hampton cam, and 2 cams at Pine Mountain Observatory
Fixed the URL for Mount Bachelor Snow Conditions which had changed, and fixed the formatting of the Mount Bachelor Ski Area telemetry data which had changed slightly
January 2015 Fixed the URL and formatting of the Mount Bachelor Ski Area telemetry data which had changed completely, and added error checking for missing data file
February 2015 Expanded to 36 camera views, adding 3 more new Mount Bachelor cam views from the top of Outback Express and later 4 views from the new top of Sunrise Express cam while also removing 4 long-defunct Mount Bachelor cams, and rearranged several images
March 2015Expanded to 38 camera views, adding 2 more new Mount Bachelor cam views from the top of Sunrise Express, and rearranged several images
July 2015Expanded to 39 camera views, adding 1 more new Mount Bachelor cam view from the top of Outback Express
November 2015 The Mount Bachelor Ski Area website was completely redesigned for the first time in many years and went live on November 24, totally breaking all Mount Bachelor image URLs and telemetry data
Updated all Mount Bachelor image URLs to the new webcams directory, and also correctly guessed the new name of several image URLs which had been needlessly renamed during their move
Thankfully the Mount Bachelor cams are now 1280x720 HD images in the correct 16:9 aspect ratio, they are no longer severely distorted 640x480 images in an incorrect 4:3 ratio as they had been since November 2013, which required a fix for proper display here
Nevertheless, unfortunately only about 2/3 of the Mount Bachelor images are currently working using the new URLs, so several non-working images (currently 8) have been left in place, hoping that they will come back online someday or that I can discover the new URLs if they have been renamed
Expanded to 45 camera views, adding the 2 new Mount Bachelor camera views from Sunrise Base and 1 new from the top of Sunrise Express, plus 3 more views from EyeOnBend including one which often looks at the Cascades
December 2015 Fixed the URL and formatting of the Mount Bachelor Ski Area telemetry data, which had changed after being totally offline for about a week following the November 24 website redesign, and also the Mount Bachelor Snow Conditions, which had changed completely following the redesign
Expanded to 50 camera views, adding the Mount Bachelor West Village cam and 4 more webcams looking at the Three Sisters from near Sisters, Tumalo, Redmond, and Terrebonne, plus fixed one other camera link which had changed
Reduced image sizes slightly from 360-270-180 to 320-240-160 pixels high for large-medium-small options
January 2016 Expanded to 55 camera views rearranged into 6 rows, adding views of the Cascades and Newberry Volcano from opposite sides of Awbrey Butte, Bend Municipal Airport, and the Sunriver office and snow stake cams
Moved all 8 currently offline (possibly defunct) Mount Bachelor cam images to the far right ends of their rows, pending eventual removal if they don't come back online
Improved the formatting of the Mount Bachelor Ski Area telemetry data, enlarged the telemetry graphic image substantially to improve readability, and also improved the location info for some of the SNOTEL sites
Wrote a new external script to grab data from MesoWest (such as the data from the RAWS telemetry sites), which downloads the data as a CSV file and formats it to match the style of the SNOTEL data
Since there are only a few snow telemetry sites anywhere near Mount Bachelor and the Three Sisters, added 6 nearby RAWS hourly telemetry sites to the northwest, east, and south of Mount Bachelor and the Three Sisters which have precip, wind, solar, and other sensors (but not snowdepth)
February 2016 Expanded to 59 camera views in 7 rows, adding the new ODOT cam on US97 at Rocking Horse, 2 cams looking at the new OSU Cascades Campus in Bend, and a new EyeOnBend cam view of Bend Whitewater Park, while switching all 4 previous EyeOnBend images to the new smaller timestamped versions with links to the full-size images
Major internal PHP code cleanup, updating and/or deleting legacy code left over from very long ago, from the Mount Rainier Paradise WebCams webpage (March 2009) on which all of these "Webcams + Telemetry Pages" are based, and even from the original Washington Mountain WebCams webpage (December 2004) on which the Rainier page was based
Added descriptive dividers between major subregions of the webcam images and of the telemetry sites, to clarify the layout of this fairly large and complex page
Added the Bend AgriMet telemetry site, which has data available via MesoWest and includes precip, wind, solar, and other sensors (but not snowdepth)
March 2016Fixed all Weather Underground camera URLs, which now apparently need "?time()" appended in order to update properly
April 2016Fixed the KGW-TV Sunriver webcam URL which had changed
December 2016 Expanded to 63 camera views, adding a new Mount Bachelor cam view from the base of Sunrise Express and 3 new ODOT cams in Bend, and fixed some camera URLs which had changed
October 2017 Reduced to 56 camera views, removing numerous long-defunct cameras (8 Mt Bachelor, 2 OSU Cascades construction cams, Sunriver office cam) and adding 4 new camera views (2 ODOT cams near Mt Bachelor, new view from top of Outback Express, OSU Cascades Bend Science Station)
November 2017 Fixed another Mt Bachelor cam URL which had changed, rearranged several Mt Bachelor West Village images, and moved 4 more likely-defunct Mt Bachelor images (which haven't been updated in several months to over a year) to the far-right ends of rows, pending future removal
Ski Mountaineering Photos & Trip Reports Equipment & Info Cascade Volcanoes Ring of Fire Site Map Links

Amar Andalkar   Seattle, WA, USA   <About the Author / Contact Me>
All material on this website is ©1997-2024 by Amar Andalkar unless otherwise noted.
Last modified Sunday, May 23, 2021