Southeastern Alaska, Yukon, & Northern British Columbia Mountain WebCams
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Most images from FAA:, AKDOT:, BCMOT:, and WeatherOffice:         NOTE: Some camera elevations listed are approximate and/or may be incorrect
Yukon and Far Northwestern British Columbia: Alaska Hwy 1, Klondike Hwy 2, Cassiar Hwy 37 Corridor ..
Dawson City Front Street Webcam, on Hwy 2 in central Yukon

Elevation: 320 m / 1050 ft

Lake Laberge, north of Whitehorse, Yukon, on Hwy 2

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft
Main Street in Whitehorse, Yukon, on Hwy 1

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft
White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad Depot in Whitehorse, Yukon, on Hwy 1

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft
CBC Cam in Whitehorse, Yukon, on Hwy 1

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft

White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad Depot in Carcross, Yukon, on Hwy 2

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft
Carcross Cam, on Hwy 2 in Yukon, looking north

Elevation: 660 m / 2170 ft
Fraser Camp WeatherCam, on Hwy 2 in BC, looking north

Elevation: 850 m / 2800 ft
Fraser Camp WeatherCam, on Hwy 2 in BC, looking south

Elevation: 850 m / 2800 ft

Watson Lake, Yukon, on Hwy 1, looking ?

Elevation: 700 m / 2300 ft
Watson Lake, Yukon, on Hwy 1, looking west

Elevation: 700 m / 2300 ft
Watson Lake, Yukon, on Hwy 1, looking northeast

Elevation: 700 m / 2300 ft
Watson Lake, Yukon, on Hwy 1, looking southeast

Elevation: 700 m / 2300 ft

Junction of Hwy 37 and Commercial Drive in Dease Lake, BC, looking north on Hwy 37 (BCMOT)

Elevation: 800 m / 2600 ft
Alaska Panhandle: Northern Portion, Haines Hwy 7, Klondike Hwy 98, and Inside Passage Corridor ..
Cape Spencer, at the southern tip of Glacier Bay National Park, looking north (FAA)

Elevation: 24 ft
Cape Spencer, at the southern tip of Glacier Bay National Park, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 24 ft
Cape Spencer, at the southern tip of Glacier Bay National Park, looking SE (FAA)

Elevation: 24 ft
Gustavus, in Glacier Bay National Park, looking SW (FAA)

Elevation: 30 ft
Gustavus, in Glacier Bay National Park, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 30 ft
Hoonah, on Chichagof Isalnd, 20 miles SE of Gustavus across Icy Strait, looking west (FAA)

Elevation: 9 ft
Sisters Island, 6 miles NE of Hoonah in Icy Strait, looking SW (FAA)

Elevation: 53 ft
Sisters Island, 6 miles NE of Hoonah in Icy Strait, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 53 ft
Sisters Island, 6 miles NE of Hoonah in Icy Strait, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 53 ft

Haines Hwy 7 @ Klehini MP 36.6, northwest of Haines, looking west (AKDOT)

Elevation: 600 ft
Haines Hwy 7 @ Klehini MP 36.6, northwest of Haines, looking east (AKDOT)

Elevation: 600 ft
Haines Hwy 7 @ Chilkat River Bridge MP 23.8, northwest of Haines, looking NW (AKDOT)

Elevation: 150 ft
Haines Hwy 7 @ Chilkat River Bridge MP 23.8, northwest of Haines, looking west (AKDOT)

Elevation: 150 ft
Haines Hwy 7 @ Chilkat River Bridge MP 23.8, northwest of Haines, looking SW (AKDOT)

Elevation: 150 ft
Haines FAA Weathercam, looking south

Elevation: 265 ft
Haines FAA Weathercam, looking west

Elevation: 265 ft
Haines FAA Weathercam, looking north

Elevation: 265 ft

Skagway FAA Weathercam, looking NE

Elevation: 16 ft
Skagway FAA Weathercam, looking south

Elevation: 16 ft
Skagway FAA Weathercam, looking SW

Elevation: 16 ft
White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad Cam in Skagway, AK

Elevation: 50 ft
Skagway Loading Dock, Alaska Marine Lines Webcam

Elevation: 50 ft

Alaska Panhandle: Central Portion, north of Juneau along Glacier Hwy 7 Corridor ..
Kensington Ridge Webcam, NW of Berners Bay, looking SE at Berners Bay

Elevation: 2800 ft
Kensington Ridge Webcam, NW of Berners Bay, looking south

Elevation: 2800 ft
Kensington Ridge Webcam, NW of Berners Bay, looking SW at Lynn Canal

Elevation: 2800 ft
Kensington Ridge Webcam, NW of Berners Bay, looking west at Point Sherman

Elevation: 2800 ft
Kensington Ridge Webcam, NW of Berners Bay, looking NW at Lynn Canal

Elevation: 2800 ft
Berners Bay, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 40, looking west (FAA)

Elevation: 29 ft
Berners Bay, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 40, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 29 ft
Berners Bay, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 40, looking north (FAA)

Elevation: 29 ft
Glacier Hwy 7 @ Cohen Drive MP 21, north of Juneau, looking south (AKDOT)

Elevation: 200 ft
Lena Point, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 17, looking south (FAA)

Elevation: 170 ft
Lena Point, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 17, looking SW (FAA)

Elevation: 170 ft
Lena Point, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 17, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 170 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking east at Mendenhall Glacier

Elevation: 1900 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking SE towards Juneau

Elevation: 1900 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking SE towards Fritz Cove

Elevation: 1900 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking south towards Outer Point

Elevation: 1900 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking SW

Elevation: 1900 ft
Auke Mountain Webcam, NW of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 16, looking west towards Lynn Canal

Elevation: 1900 ft
Pedersen Hill, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 11, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 189 ft
Pedersen Hill, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 11, looking SW (FAA)

Elevation: 189 ft
Pedersen Hill, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 11, looking SW (FAA)

Elevation: 189 ft
Pedersen Hill, north of Juneau on Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 11, looking west (FAA)

Elevation: 189 ft
Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, north of Juneau, east of Glacier Hwy 7 @ MP 10

Elevation: 200 ft
Alaska Panhandle: Central Portion, Juneau and Vicinity, Glacier Hwy 7 Corridor ..
Glacier Highway/Egan Drive @ MP 3, in Juneau, looking NW towards airport (AKDOT)

Elevation: 50 ft
Glacier Highway/Egan Drive @ MP 3, in Juneau, looking SE (AKDOT)

Elevation: 50 ft
Glacier Highway/Egan Drive @ MP 3, in Juneau, looking SE at bridge (AKDOT)

Elevation: 50 ft
Juneau National Weather Service Webcam, looking NW

Elevation: 100 ft
Juneau National Weather Service Webcam, looking NE

Elevation: 100 ft
Juneau National Weather Service Webcam, looking SE

Elevation: 100 ft
City and Borough Of Juneau Cams, looking north from library

Elevation: 100 ft
City and Borough Of Juneau Cams, looking south from library

Elevation: 100 ft
City and Borough Of Juneau Cams, looking at roundabout

Elevation: 100 ft
Juneau Loading Dock, Alaska Marine Lines Webcam

Elevation: 50 ft
Goldbelt Mt Roberts Tram Webcam, just south of Juneau, looking NW up-valley from aerial tramway top station

Elevation: 1800 ft
Goldbelt Mt Roberts Tram Webcam, just south of Juneau, looking down at Juneau from aerial tramway top station

Elevation: 1800 ft
Goldbelt Mt Roberts Tram Webcam, just south of Juneau, looking down at aerial tramway base station

Elevation: 1800 ft
Goldbelt Mt Roberts Tram Webcam, just south of Juneau, looking at aerial tramway top station

Elevation: 1800 ft

The Highlands, south of Juneau on Douglas Island, looking towards Juneau

Elevation: 200 ? ft
Eaglecrest Ski Area Platter Cam (base), south of Juneau on Douglas Island

Elevation: 1200 ft
Eaglecrest Ski Area Ptarmigan Cam (top), south of Juneau on Douglas Island

Elevation: 2600 ft

Taku Inlet, 10 miles east of Juneau, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 42 ft
Taku Inlet, 10 miles east of Juneau, looking east (FAA)

Elevation: 42 ft
Taku Inlet, 10 miles east of Juneau, looking south (FAA)

Elevation: 42 ft
Alaska Panhandle: Southern Portion, Mitkof Hwy 7, Tongass Hwy 7 and Inside Passage Corridor ..
Sitka Airport, just west of the City of Sitka, looking south (FAA)

Elevation: 3 ft
Sitka Airport, just west of the City of Sitka, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 3 ft
City of Sitka South Cam, looking south

Elevation: 100 ft
City of Sitka West Cam, looking west at Mt Edgecumbe

Elevation: 100 ft
Sitka Loading Dock, Alaska Marine Lines Webcam

Elevation: 50 ft
Angoon, on the west coast of Admiralty Island, looking SE (FAA)

Elevation: 34 ft

Petersburg Loading Dock, Alaska Marine Lines Webcam, at north end of Mitkof Island

Elevation: 50 ft
Lindenberg Peak, Kupreanof Island west of Petersburg, looking west over Duncan Canal

Elevation: 2600 ft
Level Island, in Sumner Strait SE of Kupreanof Island, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 85 ft
Mitkof Hwy 7 @ Blaquiere Point MP 33, on the southeast tip of Mitkof Island, looking SE towards Wrangell (AKDOT)

Elevation: 50 ft
Wrangell, at the northern tip of Wrangell Island, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 167 ft
Wrangell, at the northern tip of Wrangell Island, looking north (FAA)

Elevation: 167 ft
Wrangell, at the northern tip of Wrangell Island, looking east (FAA)

Elevation: 167 ft
Etolin Island communication site, looking north from 18 miles south of Wrangell

Elevation: 3600 ft

Klawock, north of Craig on Prince of Wales Island, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 53 ft
View looking NW at Sunnahae (Sunny Hay) Mtn, east of Craig on Prince of Wales Island

Elevation: 500 ? ft

High Mountain, on Gravina Island west of Ketchikan, looking west

Elevation: 1000 ft
Ketchikan Airport, on Gravina Island west of Ketchikan, looking NW (FAA)

Elevation: 32 ft
Ketchikan Airport, on Gravina Island west of Ketchikan, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 32 ft
Ketchikan Airport, on Gravina Island west of Ketchikan, looking SE (FAA)

Elevation: 32 ft
Ketchikan Airport, on Gravina Island west of Ketchikan, looking south (FAA)

Elevation: 32 ft
Ketchikan Loading Dock, Alaska Marine Lines Webcam

Elevation: 50 ft
Metlakatla, on Annette Island, looking NE (FAA)

Elevation: 32 ft
Northeastern British Columbia: Alaska Hwy 97, John Hart Hwy 97 Corridor ..

Hwy 97 at Fort Nelson weigh scale, looking north (BCMOT)

Elevation: 350 m / 1150 ft

Hwy 97 at Beatton Airport Rd, 44 km north of Fort St. John, looking north (BCMOT)

Elevation: 850 m / 2800 ft
City of Fort St. John on Hwy 97, Enerplex Webcam

Elevation: 700 m / 2300 ft
Hwy 97 at South Taylor Hill, 20 km south of Fort St John, looking north (BCMOT)

Elevation: 630 m / 2070 ft
Dawson Creek Airport WeatherCam, on Hwy 2, looking west

Elevation: 655 m / 2150 ft
Dawson Creek Airport WeatherCam, on Hwy 2, looking east

Elevation: 655 m / 2150 ft
Hwy 2 south of Dawson Creek, 2 km west of BC/Alberta border, facing east (BCMOT)

Elevation: 850 m / 2800 ft
Tumbler Ridge, Hwy 29 at Hwy 52, looking west on Hwy 29 (BCMOT)

Elevation: 850 m / 2800 ft
Hwy 97 at Wabi Estates Road, east of Chetwynd, looking east (BCMOT)

Elevation: 760 m / 2500 ft

Pine Pass, Hwy 97, north of Mackenzie Junction at Powder King access road, looking north (BCMOT)

Elevation: 935 m / 3070 ft
Mackenzie Airport WeatherCam, on Hwy 39 north of Hwy 97, looking north

Elevation: 690 m / 2265 ft